
Pay articles on the net suck

You can only see the first paragraph or so, but that alone says plenty: Censorship of the press in Iraq.

Paul Bremer has ordered his legal department in Baghdad to draw up rules for press censorship. A joke, I concluded, when one of the newly styled Coalition Provisional Authority officials tipped me off last week. But no, it really is true. Two months after "liberating" Iraq, the Anglo-American authorities and their boss Paul Bremer - whose habit of wearing combat boots with a black suit continues to amaze his colleagues - have decided to control the new and free Iraqi press.

We took their guns, as well. I'm guessing protesting is only allowed so the pundits can say "this is something the Iraqi's haven't been able to do since the beginning of Saddam's rule."

So they're only sorta liberated. But we're safer, right? Well, if by safer you mean a spike in Al-Qaeda's recruitment and missing WMDs, which were shipped out of the country, destroyed, or were never there in the first place. None of which mean we are really safer than we were before. But we've brought Middle East peace closer to reality, right? Uhhhh, we'll just skip that one.


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