
Captives Deny Qaeda Worked With Baghdad

Found via Kos, buried in the NY Times.

WASHINGTON, June 8 — Two of the highest-ranking leaders of Al Qaeda in American custody have told the C.I.A. in separate interrogations that the terrorist organization did not work jointly with the Iraqi government of Saddam Hussein, according to several intelligence officials.

Abu Zubaydah, a Qaeda planner and recruiter until his capture in March 2002, told his questioners last year that the idea of working with Mr. Hussein's government had been discussed among Qaeda leaders, but that Osama bin Laden had rejected such proposals, according to an official who has read the Central Intelligence Agency's classified report on the interrogation.


The Bush administration has not made these statements public, though it frequently highlighted intelligence reports that supported its assertions of links between Iraq and Al Qaeda as it made its case for war against Iraq.

I like the real time debunking of Bush's methods that we're starting to see. It was pointed out to me in the article that reported Bush was "satisfied" with the intelligence he received, and we see it here as well. The more of this towards Bush, the better. As long as it stays accurate, not like the shit thrown at the Clintons, most of which is false or misleading. Hell, the only way mainstream media even criticises Bush is if there's something blatantly obvious and they can't get away from it. Doesn't happen often, though.


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