
I missed Eric Alterman's column from two days ago, so here's the link, two days late.

"I'm saddened, saddened that this President failed so miserably at diplomacy that we're now forced to war. Saddened that we have to give up one life because this President couldn't create the kind of diplomatic effort that was so critical for our country." (Tom Daschle, March 18)


Here's what happened following Senator Daschle's comments: Republican Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert issued a statement saying that they "may not undermine the President as he leads us into war and they may not comfort our adversaries, but they come mighty close." Republican National Committee chairman Marc Racicot termed them "divisive and brazen political posturing" and said it was "disheartening and shameful" that the Senate minority leader would "blame America first." Senate majority leader Bill Frist added that he considered the remarks to be "deeply disappointing," even "irresponsible." Daschle's likely opponent for re-election, former Representative John Thune, tried his hand at wit, observing that Daschle sounded like he came "from the south of France, not from South Dakota."


"The last seven months have involved six months of diplomatic failure and one month of military success. The first days after military victory indicate the pattern of diplomatic failure is beginning once again and threatens to undo the effects of military victory." (Newt Gingrich, April 22)


"Here's what happened after Newt Gingrich made his comments: Nothing."

It is quite amazing the difference in reaction regarding their statements. What's worse is that most of the public probably didn't even think twice about it.


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