
I should be studying, and I'm now irritated because I just typed out this post but erased it by going back in IE. But I found this on fox news (no caps on purpose; they don't deserve it):

"'They were wrong on every level going into this conflict … every prediction has been proven false,' said Sean Hannity, radio talk show host and co-host of Fox News' Hannity and Colmes. "It's really all built on a foundation of antipathy and animosity toward George Bush."

I'm not entirely sure what we were wrong about. There have been no WMDs found, no credible links to Al-Qaeda, we were not greeted whole-heartedly as liberators, and recent reports have told us that the gov't was lying (or "over-emphasizing"). I've been trying to find a picture on the statue fall to compare it to pics of the protests that went on not long ago, but haven't found one yet. I think we'd find that the protestors have the greater numbers. I'm getting sick of this "We were right because we won" argument. No one doubted that we'd win. Most figured it would be quickly. It looks to me like we were proven right.

Oh, and the article's date says May 01, 2003. Now, it isn't even Thursday on the East coast yet. Pretty symbolic. Fox is always getting ahead of themselves.


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